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Movie and Book Reviews

On this page I'll write reviews of the movies I see and books I read. I might use a format similar to this for my reviews.

Movie Reviews

Scary Movie 2

An ok movie. It had no plot, and a lot of the stuff had nothing to do with scary movies. ie: dude wheres my car
-Posted 9/14/01

A Knight's Tale

Ok Movie. A Lot of things that were defintely not from back then. Typical fairy Tale.

Harry Potter

Awesome special effects. Since I had read the book I was expecting so much more.


Interesting Movie. Recommended by my scince teacher. If your into that sci-fi stuff.


Cute movie. The best part is the Karoke at the end. A twisted Fairy Tale.

How the Grinch stole Chrismas (with Jim Carey)

It was alright. A bit tetious after a while.

Cats and Dogs.

Amusing ninja cats. Cute movie with talking animals.

Book Reviews

The Perks of being a wallflower-By Stephen (forgot last name)

A REALLY good book. Its about a boy, who is sending a random person (you) mail about his life. Your pretty much reading a diary.
-Posted 9/4/01

Cats Eye
By: Margret Atwood

Good feminist book. I enjoyed it though it was a bit confusing.

A Brave New World

Great book. Simallar to the giver.

The Scarlet Letter

Boring book. Hard to read and get into.


Another crappy, hard to get into book.

One Flew over the cuckoos nest

A good book. Short. A bit confusing. Crappy movie though.